Friday, December 21, 2012

The reason (and rant) for the season

As we’re headed into the holidays, I’m reminded of what really counts… spending time with the ones you love, giving thanks to those people that matter most and stuffing your face full of food after opening some gifts that you probably don’t need but will hoard in your house anyway. Yep, that’s what it’s all about. That, and our dear lord Jesus. Since it is His birthday and all…
Every year I do things the smart way (or so I think). I start my shopping early and go to a place that offers free gift wrapping. I’m a big fan of killing two birds with one stone. It’s my jam. This year I think I did pretty well with the gift shopping, but, as my luck would have it, I still have some left to do. Dangit. Wish me luck braving the crowds; people can get crazy this time of the year, not only with their mad-dash to get the last deals, but with their driving. Living by the mall is both a blessing and a curse, and since I don’t have a death wish, I refuse to go near it. I hate the traffic and the parking and some of the people, to be honest. I don’t mean to sound like a Scrooge, but I think some of these people forget about the real reason for the season.
The food.
I mean, let’s be honest. What other holiday, besides Thanksgiving, can you literally veg out allllll day? I start my morning by going to my parent’s house and eating all of the candy in my stocking along with the other awesome casseroles and dishes my mom prepares for that morning. Then, a few hours after that, its dinner time. I gorge myself like the gluttonous pig that I am and I love every second of it. Overeating to the point of misery is a tradition and I intend to keep it that way for quite some time. But the food subject also brings me back to where it came from.
The grocery store.
Why do people wait until the last minute to buy the essentials for Christmas dinner? Does it really sneak up on them? As if they haven’t had their tree up for three weeks? Honestly people, it’s not that hard. Make a list, check it twice, grab the stuffing and grab the rice. Did you go back and sing that line? But really, you have Christmas dinner every year, you know what you need. Stock up on it. Be prepared. The lines, the frustration, the carts, the hunt for the perfect turkey/ham, it’s all crazy. It’s definitely on the list of places to stay away from…  but when you’re on your way home, you get back in the spirit from seeing all of:
The lights.
It’s one of my favorite parts. Usually every year my friends and I squish in the car and go around to look at all of the Christmas décor that people stick, nail and wrap around their houses. This year we haven’t had the chance to go; I think it’s because we all have our own houses and a bunch of stuff going on… bummer. Growing up is overrated. This year, however, I was surprised and thrilled to see lights on our house, put up by the best husband ever!
He did such a great job :) I have to say though, this beautiful and thoughtful (and seriously ghetto) display in Gulfport has to be my favorite. It encompasses the real reason for the season.
Little 8lb 6oz baby Jesus. Let us pray.
Please tell me that you all understand the reference. If not, stop reading this right now and go watch Talladega Nights. Please.
In all seriousness though, there wouldn’t be Christmas if it weren’t for Christ. This brings me to another tradition that my little Dockerty family takes part in:
It’s the one thing that makes it feel like Christmas. Seeing the church adorned in all of the beautiful poinsettias and candles, everyone's smile and warm greetings, but most of all, seeing this pretty face (and her dad) on stage filling our ears with beautiful singing.
I’m beyond blessed to be in such an awesome family. My other favorite part about going to church with these folks is hearing all of the wine-driven conversation while we’re supposed to be quiet. And the slaps you hear when one person is trying to wake another, when all they’re really doing is praying. Bowing your head to pray could totally look as if you’re taking a happy nappy… its justifiable. Simple mistake.
What I’m really trying to say is, stay cool people. Have a good holiday. Tell the ones you love exactly how much you love them and take these couple days to relax and remember what matters most. I’ll be back next week with some pictures (and stories) of us taking the Rzr out on Sunday and my families Christmas festivities. Until then, Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal!

-C Doc

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