My name is Cali and my soon to be hubby's name is Sean! We're getting married this November and we couldn't be more excited about it. On November 24, 2007, Sean asked me to be his girlfriend. On November 24, 2011, Sean asked me to be his wife, and on November 24, 2012 I will become his wife/better half/partner in crime! We've lived together for a little over year and have owned our house for a little over two. We worked on the house for the first year, while still living at our parents, to update it and get it up to our standards. Don't get me wrong, there is still a ton of work to do and the work will probably never end, but we absolutely love our cozy little house. I think one of our favorite things about owning a home is making it our own. He's done a ton of handy work and I've tried my hand at decorating, and I think we've done pretty well!
While making our house into a home, we're also planning a wedding. I can honestly say that planning our wedding is the most fun I've ever had. I know it will be an awesome day and it will go by so quickly, but I know that we'll be able to take a step back and appreciate all of the loving people that support us and love us, we're sooo excited! You can check out our wedding website here:
I mainly started this blog to be able to look back and remember what an awesome time we had during this wonderful time in our lives. The last five years of my life have been a whirlwind and being with him has opened my eyes to a whole new world (queue Little Mermaid music). Honestly though, he is the best thing that's ever happened to me and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. I only hope that I will be the wife that he has dreamed of, which brings me to the title of the blog. After marrying him, I will become a Dockerty :) and I'm hoping that all of the domestic duties will fall into place... Ha! Through this blog, I will share with you the trials and tribulations of going from a single gal to a married woman. It will be quite the transformation, so be prepared to be entertained, it should be pretty comical! ;)
I love it! Can't wait to hear about all the exciting things to come and the experiences you'll have! We'll get you domestic soon enough, soon to be sister-in-law!