Thursday, May 9, 2013

Planters and palms and flowers, oh my!

Hello friends!

There's been a lot of work going on at our little Dockerty House, and it all has to do with landscaping; which makes me a very happy girl! Are you ready to be inundated with copious quantities of pictures?!?

I hope so :) 

Below you'll find the finished landscaping in the backyard (complete with an irrigation system!), flowers in the front, new entryway swag, and one of our pups with a bunch of hitch-hikers stuck to his chest, you know, for good measure...

Here we go! In a verrry random order:

I love it! Our house has come such a long way from how it looked when we first bought it. It's been a wonderful three years! I think it's safe to say that we've completed almost every project that we've set out to do... there are a few little things left here and there, but we're so happy with the way everything has turned out. I love our home :)

-C Doc